Charta Aktivitäten

Charta Aktivitäten

Timber construction as a carbon store and opportunity for climate protection: "Charter for Wood 2.0 in Dialogue"

With the third Charter for Wood 2.0 in Dialogue event on 10 June 2021, the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) put the spotlight on political programmes and activities for innovative, sustainable use of wood in Europe: "Climate - Values - Resources: Wood counts!"

Hans-Joachim Fuchtel, Parliamentary State Secretary at the BMEL, made it clear in his welcoming address that wood from sustainable forestry is indispensable - not only for climate protection and the transformation to a bio-based circular economy, but also as an economic factor. Politicians must therefore not allow sustainable forest management to be discontinued and must advocate for a responsible timber resource policy, he said. The Charter dialogue process provides important impulses for this.

Political representatives from Sweden, France and Austria presented structures and programmes of forest and timber policy in their countries. Experts from European associations discussed the opportunities and limits of wood as a raw material with regard to the central challenges concerning climate change and the transformation of the economy towards a "green economy".

The livestream of the Charter event was watched by more than 250 viewers, more than a quarter of them from other European countries. The stream is available at

Press release (in German only)

Gallery of the event on 10.06.2021:

Grußwort PSt Hans-Joachim Fuchtel, BMEL. Quelle: FNR/BMEL/photothek

Grußwort PSt Hans-Joachim Fuchtel, BMEL. Quelle: FNR/BMEL/photothek

Moderatorin Angela Elis im Gespräch mit Pst Hans-Joachim Fuchtel (BMEL), NRW-Umweltministerin Ursula Heine-Esser und MdEP Norbert Lins. Quelle: FNR/BMEL/photothek

Moderatorin Angela Elis im Gespräch mit Pst Hans-Joachim Fuchtel (BMEL), NRW-Umweltministerin Ursula Heine-Esser und MdEP Norbert Lins. Quelle: FNR/BMEL/photothek